Baby massage

Baby massage is a wonderful way to connect and to communicate closeness and security to your newborn child. The massage goes far beyond the physical sensation - it is a way to build a close bond with the baby. The course is based on the content of the recommendations of the French pediatrician Frédérick Leboyer. 



The baby massage originated in India and promotes communication, helps with colic, facilitates falling asleep and gives the baby a feeling of well-being. Mothers and fathers can participate in the baby massage. By massaging your infant you are setting the foundation for your child's ability to relax.


Baby massage classes  are suitable for infants from the 6th week of life.

The course usually takes place once a week, on 5 consecutive dates. One course takes 60 minutes.



The baby massage oil is provided by me.

Course registration

Select one or more appointments


01.08.2019 - 29.08.2019

06.09.2019 - 30.09.2019  

Should none of the appointments fit, I do offer home visits. A baby massage for the whole family in the relaxed atmosphere is enriching for everyone.

Any Questions

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Sachsentor 6 

21029 Hamburg 


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